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Can I use treated wood in my operation?

Treated wood isn't allowed for new construction where it will come into contact with the soil, though existing wood can be grandfathered in. If you're looking for alternatives, you might consider naturally rot-resistant wood, such as cedar, black locust, black walnut,…

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How big do my buffers need to be?

It is important for CNG farmers to have an adequate buffer to protect their fields from potential sources of contamination. The appropriate size of the buffer depends on the context, including factors like prevailing wind patterns, the elevation and slope…

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Do I have to use Certified Organic seeds?

Generally, CNG producers must use seed that is organically grown, whether CNG, Certified Organic, or uncertified whenever they are available. But, if a producer is unable to find the variety they need in organically grown form after checking with at least…

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What about potting mix? Is there anything I should look for?

To meet CNG standards potting mix can’t contain synthetic ingredients such as chemical fertilizers or synthetic wetting agents. Commercial potting mixes frequently contain one or both of these, so it’s important to check the ingredient list carefully if you purchase…

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What can I use to control weeds, pests, and diseases?

CNG encourages mechanical and cultural methods as the first line of defense against weeds, pests, and diseases. When those methods don’t solve the issue, most botanical and biological controls, such as ladybugs, BT, neem, or kayolin clay, are also allowed.…

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What practices can I use to increase soil fertility?

To manage fertility on their farm, CNG farmers use management practices like cover crops and crop rotations, and organic amendments such as compost, manure, fish emulsion, soybean meal, feather and bone meal, and unprocessed minerals. Synthetic fertilizers are not allowed. 

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