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Why don’t you certify hydroponic operations?

We discovered that there are very few commercially viable hydroponic operations that rely on natural fertility sources. The NOP has recently begun to certify hydroponic operation and allowed the use of synthetic, OMRI-listed nutrient solutions. CNG does not allow the…

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Can I certify some but not all of my crops?

While most of our certified producers have their entire operation certified, there are some situations where a farmer hasn't managed to grow certain crops according to CNG standards (stone fruits or grapes are especially challenging in many areas). It is…

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When should I apply?

We accept applications throughout the year. If you are new to farming, or newly committed to farming without synthetic inputs, then we ask that you not apply until you have at least one or two years of experience farming this…

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What are the reasons farmers get CNG certified?

Some farmers join for the the marketing advantages of being a part of a recognized national organization. Other farmers are drawn to opportunities to network with and get feedback from other like-minded farmers, and some want a way to highlight…

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So how is CNG different than Certified Organic?

CNG is a private non-profit organization that's not affiliated with the USDA's National Organic Program. CNG's certification approach is based on the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) model that relies on peer reviews in which inspections are typically carried out by other farmers.…

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Why create a whole separate program?

Certified Naturally Grown provides a much-needed complement to the National Organic program. While the NOP is an important program that primarily serves medium and large-scale agricultural operations, CNG is tailored for direct-market farmers producing food for their local communities. These…

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