Over the winter and early spring a group of experienced Certified Naturally Grown farmers completed more than eight hours of lessons and practical assessments designed to further strengthen their skills delivering peer-review inspections.
They took quizzes, role-played real life examples, observed inspections, and conducted them remotely under the observation and review of other CNG farmers and staff. And they did amazing!
We are very pleased to announce our first cohort of newly certified Senior Inspectors.

- Clay Brady, Foster Brady Farm, Georgia
- Susan Caster, Little Toccoa Creek Farm, Georgia
- Andrew Linker, Humble Vine Farm, Georgia
- Laurie Ritchie, J&L Farm and Stables, Georgia
- Courtney Smith, Flora Bay Farm, Illinois
- Chad Gard, Hole in the Woods Farm, Indiana
- Tom Farquhar, Sandy Spring Gardens, Maryland
- Liz Visser, Blandford Nature Center Farm, Michigan
- Randy Alexander, Tubby Creek Farm, Mississippi
- Judi Church, Back4Farm, New York
- Suzanne Kelly, Green Owl Farm, New York
- Rebekah Rice, Nine Mile Farm, New York
- Jeff Riuox, Painted Turtle Farm, Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania
- Stanley Chepaitis, Uncle Henry’s Garden, Pennsylvania
- Janet Aardema, Broadfork Farm, Virginia
- Robert White, Crickhollow Farm, Virginia
At the center of the Senior Inspector training is our new Peer Review Class.
It has only been offered to our more experienced members, but we’ll soon be opening it to all CNG produce/flower growers. Our next class will be held on June 15th (details below) and there are still some spots available!
The Senior Inspector certification honors the experience of these members and their proficiency in conducting reviews of the highest caliber. It also comes with some great perks, like discounted certification dues, an enhanced listing on the CNG website, and authorization to conduct Remote Observed Inspections, (ROIs) which may only be conducted by SIs.
By training experienced members to conduct ROIs, and having ROIs observed by several other members, we are creating popular learning opportunities, enhancing transparency, and forging valuable new relationships within the CNG network.
The Senior Inspector training is currently being offered to those with CNG Produce & Flower certification. A similar training is in development for CNG livestock producers.

Peer Review Class *
Wednesday, June 15
7pm Eastern / 6pm Central / 5pm Mountain / 4pm Pacific
~ two hours duration ~ for CNG produce growers ~
For more information about qualifications or benefits of becoming a Senior Inspector, visit our Senior Inspectors Program Overview. Find more info on Remote Observed Inspections here.
A big congratulations and heartfelt thanks to our esteemed Senior Inspectors for their hard work and commitment to their farming peers and continuous improvement in the CNG network!