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Peer reviews are a pillar of our certification programs. They help ensure CNG production standards are being met, while at the same time they strengthen local farming networks and create learning opportunities.

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when participating in CNG’s inspection requirement:


Get Educated

We have several great opportunities for growers to prepare for giving and receiving a peer review inspection. Our fun inspection film, What to Expect When You’re Inspecting, takes the viewer through an inspection of CNG farm superstar Kat Johnson’s farm. You’ll get an inside view of what a CNG inspection looks like, along with how unique and valuable the process is for both farmer and inspector.

We also highly recommend that all members participate in our Peer Review Training. In this fun, two-hour class you’ll learn and practice the fundamentals of what it takes to conduct a robust peer review inspection. Sign up for an upcoming class here.

Use the Searchable Map


You can easily find members near you by entering your zip code on the CNG map here. This will show all CNG producers sorted by distance. Note that some of them aren’t good candidates to conduct your inspection: they could be ineligible because you just inspected their operation, or because they have no experience with your type of certification. You can view the list of previous inspections you’ve received and conducted on your Dashboard when you log in.

Don’t Trade Inspections

To avoid conflicts of interest, there is no trading inspections in the same year. If you conducted an inspection for farmer Jones, then your farm needs to be inspected by a different inspector before Jones can inspect your farm.



Repeat Inspector Restrictions

You may not repeatedly rely on the same inspector when other CNG members are nearby. Having a variety of inspectors gives you the benefit of learning from their varied experiences, and in turn they are learning from you. When you must repeat the same inspector in consecutive years, it is required that an Observer be included.


Complete the Report, Completely

Please be sure the Inspection Report is complete before returning it. In particular:

    • Is it signed by both the CNG producer and the inspector?
    • What is the inspector’s affiliation?
    • How long did it take to complete the inspection?

We want to know! Please don’t leave these sections blank.

An exemplary inspection report, with all elements completed.



Tap Alternative Inspectors

If there are no CNG producers of a similar type within an hour’s drive, that’s fine! There are alternatives to using a CNG member, and these options are all listed in our Guidelines. For example, you may rely on a non-certified producer using natural practices, a county extension agent, agricultural educators, or a certified organic farmer.

If you need any support when reaching out to an alternative inspector, we’re here to help! Here are letters explaining the peer review inspection process for Extension and NRCS Agents and producers who are not Certified Naturally Grown..

Photo from Jennings Apiary in Bernice, Louisiana.
Photo from Jennings Apiary in Bernice, Louisiana.


Find a Similar Type of Producer

Be sure to rely on someone who is familiar with your type of operation. For example, a livestock producer who doesn’t grow produce for market should only be tapped to inspect a livestock operation. They shouldn’t be asked to inspect your produce operation just because they’re the only CNG member nearby.


Ask for Help if You’re a Mushroom or Aquaponics Producer

For these folks, it can be especially challenging to find producers of a similar type nearby to conduct their inspection. Ask CNG staff to help you! Often we can tap our networks to find the right inspector. You can also ask a soil-based Produce farmer to do your inspection.



Meet the Work Requirement

Our peer-approach only works if everyone follows through on the work requirement they agreed to when applying to be CNG certified. Members can be delisted from the CNG program if they refuse to conduct an inspection of another CNG farmer and they haven’t fulfilled this annual requirement. (This requirement is waived if you’re not within an hour’s drive from another CNG producer of a similar type.)



Be Proud to be Part of a PGS!

Our certification model is based on the principles of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS), where local knowledge is prioritized. PGS are promoted by The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) which is the worldwide umbrella organization for the organic agriculture movement representing close to 800 affiliates, including CNG, in 117 countries.


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