CNG’s Equity Fund was established to cover certification dues for farmers of color who have applied to Certified Naturally Grown. Facilitating their success as farmers by waiving their certification dues is one small step we can take to help overcome a legacy of discrimination throughout North America, especially in US agriculture. Priority consideration is given to Black and Indigenous people.
Give to the Equity Fund
This fund was established with an initial contribution by CNG. We invite all our members and supporters to contribute and help sustain our Equity Fund well into the future.
Donations to CNG support the growth of community-based sustainable agriculture and are not tax deductible.
Certified Naturally Grown
PO Box 153
Temple, NH 05084
To be considered for assistance from the Equity Fund, candidates must:
- Complete an online application for CNG certification. That’s because the fund covers certification dues, and you won’t have any dues to pay unless you apply for certification. 😄
- Register your interest by filling out a short form: