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SeaAgri Helps Certified Naturally Grown Grow!

By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator

Rob Cain with a watermelon grown using SEA-90
Sometimes, even crops grown in the rich soil of a Certified Naturally Grown farm need a boost. 
SeaAgri produces SEA-90, a combination of minerals and trace elements from natural crystals produced multiple times per year from sea water trapped in retention ponds located in a pristine estuary on the Sea of Cortez in Mexico (also known as the Gulf of California) This combination can help stimulate, feed and enhance micro flora populations in soil for healthier and tastier harvests. 
We spoke with company president Rob Cain to learn all about how elements from the sea can support the land. Welcome to the CNG Business Allies community, SeaAgri!
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Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): How did SeaAgri get started?
Rob Cain (RC): I started SeaAgri in the year 2000 with the goal of providing a superior organic fertilizer and livestock mineral that contained both readily available and amounts of minerals and trace elements.

CNG: What are SeaAgri’s core values?
RC: The support of organic, regenerative and sustainable agriculture. SeaAgri is dedicated to improving soil, livestock and human health through the incorporation of the minerals and trace elements in its products into garden and agricultural systems.
CNG: How did you make the decision to support CNG as a Business Ally?

RC: Farmers and market gardeners who CNG supports are dedicated to providing naturally grown nutrient dense food for their customers. SeaAgri supports these same growers by providing SEA-90 mineral and trace elements.
CNG: How does Certified Naturally Grown support SeaAgri’s customers?
RC: SeaAgri’s customers are dedicated to producing and providing natural and organic nutrient dense foods. CNG provides these growers with a certification showing they use only natural products like SEA-90 and produce the highest quality fruits, vegetables and meat.
CNG: What are some exciting developments at SeaAgri our CNG community can look forward to in the future?
RC: Greatly expanded sales network with our products available in more locations throughout the country. 
CNG: If you had a magic agricultural wand, how would you use it to improve farm systems in America?

RC: Remineralize and restore 90 minerals and trace elements to all soils that produce pasture, crops, and livestock.
CNG: Is there anything else CNG farmers and beekeepers should know?
RC: All disease in crops, livestock and humans can be directly linked to a mineral or trace element deficiency. Restore 90 minerals and trace elements to your soil and all life (including pollinators and people) will experience the health benefits they provide.
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