By Suzannah Schneider, Communications Manager and Certification Coordinator
We’re announcing two new options based on feedback from our members. Some farmers and beekeepers have reported that they’d prefer to pay CNG dues during the growing season when there’s more cash flow – not in February. And others suggested we streamline the annual requirement that members submit a signed Declaration.
We heard your requests, and we’re taking action. First, we are offering a Fall Renewal option. Plus, the Declaration you sign annually can now be completed online.
Why renew this fall?
- So you won’t have to worry about it in February.
- You’ll help boost CNG’s financial resilience during the lean fall months.
- Your dues will be considered Paid for more than sixteen months: until February 28, 2021.
- You’ll receive a special gift: our brand-new Certified Naturally Grown bandana (not for sale in the CNG store) if you renew by October 21st. You choose the color you receive of this soft 22 x 22″ bandana.
How to Renew your CNG Certification this Fall
1. Pay your certification dues
We strongly recommend $200, $250 or $300, based on the scale of your operation, but members have the option to pay less. Consider taking advantage of one of the monthly payment plans we created in the online store so you can more easily pay the recommended amount over time.
If you prefer to pay dues in one lump sum, we recommend paying by check offline, so the bankers don’t take a cut. Mail to CNG, 540 President St, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11215.
…and choose your bandana!
If paying online: When you reach the Checkout page, use the Order Comments box to indicate which color bandana you would like (navy/white OR natural/olive).
If paying by check: Include a note that indicates which color bandana you would like (navy/white OR natural/olive).
2. Sign and return the 2020 Declaration
Renewing members now have the option to sign the Declaration online. Save a stamp, and a piece of paper! Choose the Declaration that corresponds to your certification type/s.
Declaration for Produce and/or Livestock certification
Apiary Declaration
Aquaponic Declaration
Mushroom Declaration
If you prefer to sign a paper Declaration, download it here. You may return it via fax, email/scan, email/photo, or US mail. All our contact info is on the bottom of the Declaration. (Sign a different Declaration if you’re certified for Mushrooms or Aquaponics.)
Be sure to take these two steps by Monday, October 21st so we can send you your very own complimentary CNG bandana!
You do not need to submit a new application. Just drop us a note if there are substantial changes in your practices, or if the information submitted on your application needs to be updated.
You still have the option to wait until February 28, 2020. But why not take the opportunity to cross something off next year’s to do list, help boost CNG’s resilience, and get a special gift?
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. We’re easy to reach by email, or by phone weekdays at 845 687 2058.