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What is aquaponics?

Aquaponics combines aquaculture (raising fish or other aquatic animals) with hydroponics (growing plants in water) in a bacteria-mediated symbiotic, closed-loop, system. The waste produced by aquatic animals is converted by beneficial bacteria into nutrients that the plants can abosorb. In turn,…

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Is there a pasture requirement?

All animals must have access to the outdoors, as well as shade, shelter, fresh air, and direct sunlight, except in cases of inclement weather. In particular, ruminants should spend most of their time on pasture for 120 days or more…

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What if one of my animals gets sick?

Most conventional veterinary medicines are not allowed under CNG standards (vaccines are an important exception). When necessary to prevent animal suffering and death, CNG requires producers to use the most effective veterinary treatment available –whether synthetic or natural. Preserving certification…

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How can I tell if my feed qualifies?

If your feed is certified organic, then it meets CNG standards. If your livestock are pasture-raised and don't receive supplemental feed then you're probably good to go, so long as you don't add synthetic fertilizers to your own fields! If…

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Will my non-GMO feed meet CNG requirements?

It is not sufficient for the feed to be non-GMO. That's important, but the feed ALSO must be grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. If your feed is marketed as non-GMO, but not certified organic, then it very likely is…

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