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Is rooting hormone allowed?

Rooting hormones are not allowed in CNG production. These hormones are synthetically derived and are not in line with the National Organic Program either. CNG farmers need to stay away from rooting hormones and compounds unless they are OMRI-listed. There are…

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Do CNG farmers have to use only organic seeds?

CNG requires that producers use organically grown seeds whenever available. (This applies to all seeds used in the CNG operation including cover crop and pasture seed). The standards grant exceptions for conventionally grown seeds to be used in some cases…

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How do I know if the compost I buy is ok to use in CNG?

CNG does not require that compost be OMRI-listed, we just ask farmers to verify with their supplier that the compost is: --properly composted (i.e. they are monitoring the C:N ratio, temperatures, and turning schedule) --not made from biosolids --free from…

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I use manure on my farm. What are the application guidelines?

Like our compost standards, CNG's manure requirements are based on National Organic Program, EPA, and FDA guidelines for food safety. For applications of manure, we require the following intervals between manure application and crop harvest: --120 day interval for crops in which…

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I make my compost on-farm. Is this a problem?

CNG's compost standards are based on National Organic Program, EPA, and FDA guidelines for food safety. If a farmer wants to apply farm-produced compost that includes manure, they'll need to monitor the initial C:N ratio, take temperature readings, and turn the pile…

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I just started farming! Can I get certified right away?

CNG requires that growers have one year of experience producing and selling their products before applying for certification. We look for practices to be tried and tested to ensure that growing methods are successful and sustainable. Let us know that you're interested in certification; we'd…

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Do I have to use Certified Organic seeds?

Generally, CNG producers must use seed that is organically grown, whether CNG, Certified Organic, or uncertified whenever they are available. But, if a producer is unable to find the variety they need in organically grown form after checking with at least…

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